Ideally Architecture

TÜYAK Fire and Security Symposium and Exhibition

The biennial "Fire and Security Symposium and Exhibition will be realized with the support of national and international institutions, contributions of domestic / foreign universities and fi rma representatives.

Symposium and exhibition; to introduce new devices and systems that detect, warn, and respond to environmental risks to fire, sabotage, depression, business accidents, to environmental risks, to explain the developments and new design principles in today's technologically appropriate protection and prevention systems, to discuss the problems and to bring all the stakeholders of the fire and security sector together and to explain the developments in related regulations and standards. The main theme of the International Symposium will be "Fire Safety and Risk Management in the Fire" and priority will be given to these issues.

The symposium will be the meeting place of TÜYAK sector where the scientific and technological developments in the field of fire and security will be discussed and the technological developments where designers, practitioners, researchers and administrators come together and new products will be exhibited. Participation in the symposium is free.

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